Year: 2024 | Month: April-June | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 107-115
Right to Fetal Health: Criticism of Right to Child Health
Pankaj Shingare1
1Ph. D. Research Scholar, ILS Law College, Pune.
Fetal rights are mostly neglected rights. UNCRC is accepted by many nations. Health is a basic component of life. Without having good health children can’t enjoy their rights. Improper health condition restricts children’s rights. Indian constitution assures the right to life to all. Right to life itself includes right to Health. Various governmental and non-governmental agencies working to protects children’s rights. Indian government launches many policies to provide health care services. Most of the policies has its focus on the maternal and child health.
First five years of the life are very crucial because most of the cognitive development occurs in this period. Development of child depends upon the health of women before conception and during perinatal period. Especially health during pregnancy period directly affects the development of child. Development of child starts from fetal age. Fetus is totally dependable upon its mother for the growth as all essential elements get provided by mother through umbilical cord. Proper immunization, nutritional diet, hygiene, de-addiction, and Heath care of mother, are the essential factors for the fetal growth and development of fetus.
Children are awarded with various children’s rights internationally by United Nations Convention of right to children. India is one of the signatory nations on UNCRC. Children are considered as human being and can enjoy all human rights. But human fetus is not considered as human being. Growth and development of fetus directly affects the quality of child life. For the enjoyment of child right there is necessity to have fetal rights. Fetal rights should get into consideration because it is developing stage of child inside the womb.
Keywords: Human fetus, right to fetal Health, Right to Child Health, consanguineous marriages.
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