Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities

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Year: 2024 | Month: January-March | Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 31-38


Development of Interactive E-Book by Flip PDF Professional Application for the Improvement of Students’ Competence in French Language

Indah Widianti Putri1, Junita Friska2, Marice2

1Postgraduate Department of French Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
2Department of French Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Indah Widianti Putri


This research aims to explain the development process, validity, and effectiveness of Flip PDF Professional application media which produces interactive French E-book products that improves students’ language skills. This development process was validated by four media and material validators, and the media was suitable for teaching and learning use at SMA Plus Efarina Simalungun. From needs analysis, students had difficulties in learning French because the learning methods were oriented to lectures/demonstrations and discussions although students needed technology-based media which could became solutions and had several advantages, such as, it was easy to use anytime and anywhere, simple (not heavy on storage), interactive, and complete with video, audio, text, quizzes, etc. This paper was adapted from ADDIE model proposed by Molenda (2008) although this paper only discussed the development stage. In the material validation process, an average score of 87% was obtained so it was categorized as very good. Meanwhile, in the media validation process, an average value of 90% was gotten so it was categorized as very good too. Thus, the development of the Flip PDF Professional application media which was interactive French E-book products could improve students’ language skills.

Keywords: Development, Interactive, E-Book, Augmented Reality, Livgent.

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