Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities

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Research Paper

Year: 2021 | Month: April-June | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 1-6


Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention and First Aid Management of Domestic Accident among Mothers of Under Five Children at Selected Rural Area, Tamilnadu

Kumudhavlli.D1, Karthi.R2, R.Ragavan3, R.Pugazhendhi4, V.Premalatha5, R.Ragul6, V.Ragavi7, S.Priyadharshini8, T.Preethima9

1Assistant Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing, E.S College of Nursing, Tamilnadu.
2Professor & HOD Dept of MSN, E.S College of Nursing, Tamilnadu.
3-9 Final Year B.Sc., Nursing, E.S College of Nursing, Tamilnadu.

Corresponding Author: Karthi.R


Aim: a study aim to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and first aid management of domestic accident among mothers of under five children at selected rural area villupuram.

Methods & Material: A quantitative research approach - Pre-experimental research design with one group pre test and post test design was adopted. 50 samples were selected for the study by using non probability convenient sampling technique.
Results: In pre test level of knowledge among 50 samples 41(82%) had inadequate knowledge 7(14%) had moderate knowledge and 2(4%) had adequate knowledge regarding domestic accident .in post test level of knowledge among 50 samples 7(14%) had adequate knowledge and 13(26%) had adequate knowledge regarding domestic accident. The finding reveals that pre test mean was 13.44 with the standard deviation of 2.619 and the post test mean was 18.52 with the standard deviation of 2.651. The mean difference of pre and post test is 5.2, standard error is 0.781. The ‘t’ value of 6.6 is Highly Significant at p <0.05 it indicates that the knowledge level of mothers of under five children are improved after video assisted teaching programme
Conclusion: The study concluded that, video assisted teaching programme on domestic accident was effective on improving the knowledge level among mother of under five children.

Keywords: Domestic Accidents, First Aid Management, Mothers of Under five children.

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