Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities

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Research Paper

Year: 2023 | Month: April-June | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 44-50


Factors Related to Village Midwife Performance in Delivery (Case Study: In Aceh Selatan District)

Sandrawaty Yusro Bintang

Universitas Prima Indonesia


Introduction: The definition of village midwives according to Leimena provides the following definition "Village midwives are midwives who are placed, obliged to live and are tasked with serving the community in achieving the target of health degrees in their working area which covers one to two villages. In carrying out their duties the village midwife is directly responsible to the head of the local health center and works closely with village officials. The performance of health workers is a very important element in efforts to maintain and improve national development in the health sector. The study of performance provides clarity that organizational work environment factors are very supportive for individuals in achieving work performance.
Objective:  Knowing the factors related to delivery assistance in Aceh Selatan District
Material and Method: This research is a descriptive analytic research because it observes the relationship between research variables and hypothesis testing, with a time approach to data collection using a cross-sectional design where data relating to independent variables or risk and dependent variables or effect variables will be collected. at the same time.
Result: There is a tendency for respondents with poor experience to produce poor performance in delivery assistance, this tendency is supported by the results of the relationship analysis using the rank-spearman test by obtaining a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05), there is a significant relationship between experience and performance of village midwives. The strength of the relationship between the two variables is moderate (rho = 0.587).
The results of this study support the opinion of Gibson 17) which states that one of the factors that can affect individual performance is experience, the more individual experience, the higher the performance. A similar opinion was expressed by Siagian 22) regarding individual experience in increasing work technical maturity, it means that the individual always learns lessons from the entire work or career journey so that he will be more reduce the number of mistakes it makes.
Some things that are considered as fertilizer to improve employee performance in an organization are stated by Timple 7), among others: mutually supportive and trusting relationships must be developed, skills development, setting specific and measurable goals and experience of members in work must be continuously developed to turn it into a positive experience.
Respondents realized that experience is the best teacher, meaning that the more they handle childbirth, the more experience they get. However, respondents with a relatively short working period experience the problem of not being trusted by the community, this condition is in accordance with research conducted by Istiarti 40) Village midwives with less than one year of service still have to adapt a lot to the community in their duties.
Conclusion: The majority of respondents were aged between 31 - 40 years (65.3%) with the youngest respondent being 25 years old and the oldest respondent being 53 years old, with an average age of 33 years.
The highest proportion of respondents who worked as village midwives in South Aceh District was between 11-15 years (53.4%), with the lowest working period being 4 years and the highest working period being 20 years, the average working period being 11 years.
Respondents who had D1 Midwifery education (67.8%) while for D3 Midwifery education only reached 30.5%, and those who had a Bachelor's degree (Bachelor) education only reached 1.7%.
The delivery service facility most frequently used by village midwives in South Aceh District was the Polindes (44.9%) followed by their own house (32.2%), while the service facility that was rarely used to serve deliveries was a rented house (8%).
The results of the village midwife delivery coverage in South Aceh District during 2021 are less (66%).

Keywords: Midwife Performance, Delivery Assistance.

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