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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: January-March | Volume: 3 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 114-122

Overview of Health Personnel Task Shifting in Hospitals in Jawa Barat (Results of Risnakes 2017)

Wibowo1, Sefrina Werni1, Mujiati1, Harimat Hendarwan1

1Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya dan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Jakarta

Corresponding Author: Wibowo


Background: Task shifting is defined as delegating tasks and authority to competent personnel. This can be problematic if not through the right processes and procedures. West Java Province is one of the provinces with a large number of hospitals, namely 289 hospitals, and information about the implementation of task shifting in hospitals in West Java has not been available.
Objective: Obtain an overview of the implementation of task shifting in hospitals in West Java.
Methods: Part of the Research on Employment in the Health Sector (Risnakes) of the Health Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017. The research was conducted with a cross sectional approach, with the survey method. Data collection is done by interviewing using a structured questionnaire. Respondents were hospital directors or represented in 289 hospitals in West Java.
Results: A total of 205 hospitals (70.9%) in West Java have health workers who do tasks outside of their educational background and / or competence, and 193 hospitals (94.1%) have health workers working on tasks in the field. governance (task shifting). The availability of assignment letters/ written decrees to strengthen the implementation of task shifting is mostly found in Level IV TNI hospitals (100%). The most common reason for task shifting was due to a shortage of staff, which reached 100% in Level IV TNI hospitals. Almost all hospitals have to report the results of task shifting, even in TNI hospitals reaching 100%. The most reward form given to health workers who carry out task shifting is the addition of distribution of capitation services. While the percentage related to the occurrence of unexpected cases due to task shifting is relatively low at 3.0% -8.3%. Conclusion: The task shifting of health workers in the hospital area in West Java is sufficient in accordance with Law Number 36 of 2014 and Law Number 38 of 2014.

Key words: health workers, task shifting, hospitals, West Java

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